Daily Archives: May 25, 2022

How to Build SEO Strategy? | Tips to Stay Ahead of Your Competitors Revealed

how to build SEO strategy

SEO and organic traffic are the top priorities of 61% of the marketers in a 2022 marketing trends report. The reason for this preference is simple. SEO brings customers to you as opposed to reaching out to them. Who wouldn’t want that? So if you are wondering how to build SEO strategy that works for you, you are at the right place.

This read breaks down some steps you can take to curate an SEO strategy that caters to you and your audience.

Moreover, SEO is often misunderstood as an initiative for the benefit of Google’s spiders. We will show you how this isn’t true and how your audience must be at the crux of your SEO, website, and content decisions.

A famous author and social media expert, Wendy Piersall, once said, “Google only loves you when everyone else loves you first.”

We couldn’t agree more. Your content must align with the target audience and their needs. Once you get this right and customers love you, Google will love you too.

From there on, you will only need a little bit of additional help in optimizing search engine algorithms.

With this concept at the forefront, let’s understand SEO strategy and how you can create it too.

What is an SEO Strategy?

SEO strategy is a cumulative plan for your website and content to enhance your search engine rankings. These strategies ensure that you get a more significant market share in organic traffic – because increased organic traffic translates to better business.

However, it is also essential to remember that you need quality traffic to retain your ranking. You can make this happen by making your website follow the best SEO practices and providing the information your users are seeking when they arrive at your web page.

How Does SEO Help Your Business?

We’ve established that SEO is important for organic traffic. But how exactly does it happen and help you? Let’s understand this before you create an SEO strategy.

Here are some numbers that represent the benefits of an SEO done well.

1. The click-through rate (CTR) for ranking in the first position in Google’s search results is 34.2%. This number drops to 17.1% and 11.4% in the second and third positions, respectively.

It is clear that the higher you rank for search queries, the better your chances are of directing users to your website.

As you can tell, there is a significant drop between the first and third positions alone. So you can imagine what would happen if your content is hidden on the second page and beyond – your target audience will never find you.

2. When it comes to customer acquisition, SEO can decrease the cost by 87.41% compared to digital advertising.

Digital advertising has its role in marketing. It is undoubtedly beneficial to your business in many ways.

But wouldn’t you like to see what you could achieve organically first? By optimizing your content for the users and making sure Google finds it, you can acquire customers on the fly.

3. Organic search gives B2B organizations 2X more revenue when compared to other avenues.

If you are a B2B company, you must have a lot of different channels to boost your revenue streams. Some may be social media, advertisements, events, and much more.

But one way that can give you consistent ROI and increase revenue is showing up on relevant search results. This is where SEO helps you.

Now that you know a little more about the intention behind building an SEO strategy, let’s get started on the appropriate steps and actions you can take.

An Overview of How to Build SEO Strategy

SEO strategy isn’t just about learning best practices and implementing them.

You need to devise a plan instead of following tactics. We have an overview of the things you need to do to achieve your SEO strategy, along with the parallel actions you can take as well.

Furthermore, you get a comprehensive pathway to navigate SEO when you bring these actions into a plan.

Let’s dive in!

Understand Your Existing Website

Before establishing an overarching strategy for search engine optimization, understand your website well. Once you find out your website’s strengths and weaknesses, you can divulge your focus on creating a strategy with a direction.

Therefore, keyword research isn’t the first step toward SEO, contrary to popular opinion. Understanding your website’s current SEO performance is the first step.

You can use the free or paid versions of the SEO tools such as Google Analytics, SEMrush, Ahrefs, Moz Pro, and many others available in the market today.

Leveraging these tools, you can find out information about:

1. Amount of existing traffic

2. Unique visitors

3. Pages that are ranking for some keywords

4. Pages that are not performing well

5. The navigational path through which visitors came to your site

6. The bounce rate of your site and web pages

7. Site speed

8. Audience report

9. And so much more!

The free version of a tool like Google Analytics will be a stepping stone to understanding your website well. You need to create an account, add your website, and add the necessary tracking details to your site to start using it. You can delve as deeply as you want to learn about your site.

Formulate Goals for Your Business

Once you learn how your website is currently performing, the next essential step is formulating your goals.

These goals are solely dependent on your business and vision for the brand. Here are six questions you need to answer.

1. Which product or service do you want to focus your efforts on?

2. How many users are you aiming to reach?

3. Which geographies do you want to focus on, and what is the demography of the visitors?

4. Are you looking to obtain more organic traffic? If yes, what is your target?

5. What are your revenue targets?

6. What kind of keywords do you primarily want to associate with your brand?

This is the starting point in your SEO strategy. Additionally, this step is essential because you cannot possibly have an SEO strategy to rank for all the relevant keywords and hope for the best without an actual goal.

With a goal, you can devise plans that align accordingly and then optimize your website.

Define the KPIs for Your SEO Strategy

Ideally, every website would love SEO efforts to always show results by showing up in the top 3 positions of the search engine result pages (SERPs). However, that cannot always happen. At least not for every web page and content that you produce.

Thus, it is essential to define how you will track the success of your SEO strategies before executing them.

As you can see in the graph below, according to a study, most marketers define the success of their SEO strategy differently. Among them, keyword rankings are the most sought-after. Organic traffic, time spent on a page, and others are important too.

2022 Marketing Statistics, Trends & Data — The Ultimate List of Digital Marketing Stats


Likewise, your KPIs for SEO success don’t have to be the same. It can ultimately depend on your brand and what your expectations are.

Here are some of the KPIs you can consider:

1. Organic Visibility: You can use tools like Google Analytics to track how many impressions you received on search engines. Higher visibility means Google thinks your content fits the search queries.

2. Rate of Conversions – You can measure how much your organic traffic converted to sales and aided in revenue.

3. Duration of Organic Sessions: You can view how long visitors stay on your website using Google Search Console. If they are staying a considerable amount of time, based on the page’s content, you are heading in the right direction.

4. Number of Backlinks: Backlinks are links pointing to your website from other sites. When you create informative content or have valuable graphics, other websites will start referring to you on their content resources.

5. Content Efficiency: You can understand how well your content resources are doing and if they are meeting their goals regularly. You have to create each content piece with an objective and ensure they are met.

6. Keyword Rankings: These will tell you how well you meet what the users are looking for. When you create content for the users, and they like it, you will rank well for keywords.

These are some of the ways you can measure your SEO strategies. Now that you know how to set goals and define the KPIs, the work begins.

Take the Eight Steps to Meet Your SEO Goals

In 2020, people spent a whopping $79 billion on SEO and its services. There is a reason marketers are eager to spend on SEO and experience the results – they work.

Furthermore, capitalizing on search rankings can make a difference to your business. So here are 8 steps that will help you reach your SEO goals.

  1. Conduct Keyword Research and Understand the Search Intent

Keywords are crucial for a solid SEO strategy. However, you have to create an efficient keyword strategy and not blindly follow the bulk of keywords relevant to your website.

You have to target keywords that align with your goals and the content you are creating. Most importantly, they have to be keywords your customers are typing on search engines.

You can easily use tools such as UberSuggest, Ahrefs, SEMrush, and more to understand the keywords used in your industry.

Keyword demand curve


As you can see in the image above, there are different types of keywords with different search volumes. Here the “fat head” keywords receive the highest search volume. However, it is interesting to note that most keywords are in the “chunky middle” and “long tail” sections. Let’s learn a little about them.

Popular Keywords

These are the “fat head” keywords. While they have the most demand, they also have the highest competition. Additionally, they can also lack context. For example, if you’re selling sweaters in the US and trying to rank for the apparent term “sweaters,” you are in for a fight and disappointment.

Someone who types in just that one word could probably be searching for inspiration to stitch their sweater, want to look at what is available online or are simply browsing. If you rank for this, you will have difficulty converting such users into customers.

Long-Tail Keywords

These keywords are much more specific and can lead users right to you. They are usually 3-5 words long.

For example, they can be “red sweaters for winter near me.”

If you integrate this into your website and create content around it, customers will find you when someone looks for this query. Considering the nature of the query, they are ready to make a purchase. So focusing on long-tail keywords will bring more niche to your keyword strategy.

Latent Semantic Keywords

Search engines are intelligent today and no longer expect you to use repeated words to prove a point. This would be keyword stuffing, and you will be flagged for such practices.

LSI or Latent Semantic keywords are words that are related to your primary keyword. For example, if your main keyword is garden, then terms like a garden store, flower shop, florist, and lilies could all be treated as related to it.

When you use such semantic keywords, you increase your range of ranking possibilities.

Understand User Intent

A crucial aspect of keyword research is understanding the user’s search intent. This directly relates to creating quality content.

If you are wondering how to understand this for your keywords, use Google.

Google the keyword you are trying to rank for and look at the search results. The top results essentially satisfy the user’s intent with the search query.

For example, you create a product page for a pet care keyword. However, most of the results are directed toward health management. Thus, when a user comes across your product and finds that it is of no use to them at the moment, they will quickly navigate away from your page.

This is detrimental to your ranking as Google will now assume you are no longer fulfilling the keyword’s purpose. That’s why understand the user’s perspective and intention as you create content.

  1. Research Your Competitors Well

Competitor research for SEO


Whichever industry you are from, you are bound to have competitors. Thus, heed what your competitors are doing in creating your SEO strategy.

If they are ranking better than you right now, they might be doing something right.

Using SEO tools, you can study their organic traffic, keywords they are ranking for, how they build links for a backlink profile, page speed, and more.

Learn what they are doing right when they appear further up in the search rankings. You can create content that addresses similar topics or use your brand’s strengths to create different content.

Likewise, as you can see in the image above, immediate competitors need to be at the core of an effective SEO strategy. However, you cannot ignore secondary and indirect competitors.

For example, another coffee company becomes your direct competitor if you are a coffee brand. But, a Tea brand also caters to a similar audience, if not the same. They are your secondary competitors. Take it a notch higher, and any company that provides drinks to your customers is your indirect competitor.

You can track their SEO strategies and learn a lot about how to reach your customers.

  1. Create a Content Strategy

Now that you understand keywords, you have to put them into practice with an SEO content strategy. This strategy will define what kind of content you want to create and how to meet your SEO goals through them.

This, however, is a nuanced approach. Using keywords and creating content is not enough. You have to plan content for a keyword along with its related keywords.

You can fulfill this approach by focusing on the main topic for a blog post and assigning topic clusters for each of these topics.

Pillar page with sub topics


The above image represents an example of a primary topic, also called a pillar page, along with topics using related keywords.

Here “home remodeling” is used as the pillar page. It is a vast topic and could have several parallel stories drawn from it. Therefore, topics like home remodeling estimates, ideas, and inspiration are all content ideas that you can link to the pillar page.

By doing this, you are providing opportunities for internal linking. Diversify your content marketing this way, and your content will get Google’s attention.

  1. Optimize On-Page SEO and Technical SEO

The way you create content is essential to search engine traffic. However, your SEO plan will be incomplete without getting into the nitty gritty details of your website.

As you maintain your site, pay attention to on-page SEO by learning how you write meta descriptions, title tags, headers ranging from h1 to h6, images used, and the overall user experience.

Pages with a meta description have a higher average CTR .vs. Pages without a description


As you can see above, web pages without meta descriptions which are small descriptive sentences about the topic on the web page, receive less CTR, especially if you want to rank in the top positions on the first page.

Additionally, you must be mindful of the keywords relevant to the web page during on-page optimization, writing a meta description, adding the title tag, or defining the headers.

Technical SEO

This refers to the optimizations to the backend of your website and servers. Technical SEO is responsible for how your website is crawled by the search engine bots and how your content is perceived.

For a comprehensive SEO strategy, you have to ensure an expert takes care of this aspect of your website.

  1. Create a Mobile Search Strategy

Here is a snapshot of the mobile-friendly update by Google. It clearly defines how having a mobile site that is easy to navigate and use will be preferred over companies that only have an optimized desktop site.

Mobile Friendly Update is important to remember while wondering how to build SEO strategy


Google’s mobile-first index update makes it imperative for you to focus on mobile SEO. This includes easy-to-navigate options, fonts that are easy to read on a mobile, and a high mobile speed. You can use Google’s mobile-friendly test tool to check if your website is doing well in this area.

  1. Optimize for Off-Page SEO

Off-page SEO refers to actions you can take to ensure others talk about you. These can be online reviews, backlinks from quality websites, and social media mentions.

Off-page SEO is important because search engines and users will trust you more when others talk positively about you on the internet. It’s like when you take a recommendation from a friend instead of a random advertisement on where to shop.

Furthermore, a link-building strategy is among the main concepts to have a good off-page SEO. You can receive natural links when you produce good content and when others quote you. But reaching out to high-quality websites relevant to your brand for guest blogging, fixing broken links, and adding value to their web pages will significantly enhance your backlink profile.

You might be even more intrigued to know that Google’s top results have 3.8 times more backlinks than those in lower positions. So if you want to rank higher, you need to ace off-page SEO.

  1. Create a Voice Search Engine Optimization Strategy

Methods used to look something up: how to build SEO strategy


When you see the image above, you will realize that voice search is growing in demand. 58% of users prefer voice search. Therefore you should be paying attention to this feature.

Voice search demand is only rising. There are several reasons for it, mainly because mobile devices are becoming more tech savvy and making it incredibly easy to look something up using voice commands.

Additionally, since voice search is growing, you can also lean on long-tail keywords and questions in your content to align with their queries. Since speaking the search term is much easier, people will be more specific and expect specific results.

  1. Update Your Local SEO

Local listings are not limited to users who have a physical store. From an SEO standpoint, it helps you claim your Google my Business profile and lets you build this page for new visitors.

You can use local SEO to your advantage, ask customers to write feedback when they are satisfied with your services, and fill the listing with correct details.

Additionally, if you own a physical store, you’ll be happy to know that when people look up something, 76% of them will visit the store as well. So if you show up on local search results and your business page on Google has good reviews, you will probably make a sale that day without even reaching out to them!

You Can Now Start Working on Your SEO Strategy!

If you started this blog with a question on how to build SEO strategy, you now have all the answers to transform your business with a winning SEO strategy.

Additionally, as you follow through with the steps above, you can regularly track the progress of your strategy using an SEO tool and create informative SEO reports.

Remember to consistently understand how search engines update while monitoring and enhancing your website. But as you follow SEO best practices, never forget that your content and research are for the user and that seeing results the right way can take time. The methods, tactics, and tricks can be updated over time, but the user experience you provide must always be top-notch.

This approach will ensure you are always ahead of your competitors and rank higher in search engine rankings.

With this final information, you know how to create an effective SEO strategy that can stand the test of time. We hope it helps you and your business thrive!

Does SSL Improve SEO? | The Secret Revealed

Does SSL Improve SEO

There have been thousands of updates to Google’s algorithm over the years. Likewise, the search engine has more than 200 ranking factors. When you come across such large numbers, you will have questions. If one of them is, “does SSL improve SEO?” you are not alone. It is a common doubt.

It’s also interesting that Google or any other search engine will never tell you specifics on what to do to acquire high search rankings.

Therefore, you need to decide based on all the facts and data available around you. This blog aims to provide exactly that.

At the end of this read, you will know whether you want to prioritize SSL certificates for your business or not. Let’s get started!

What is an SSL Certificate?

SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer. The security layer ensures that the information shared on a website is safe. It provides safe interaction between the web server and the browser.

Whenever someone shares personal information such as credit card details, a hacker cannot intercept and acquire this information without the key to access the information. By adding the SSL certificate to your site, you safeguard your website from any data breach attempt.

SSL is added as small data files to the web server. You can recognise it as a padlock against the URL on a search engine, as you can see in the image below. The connection is secure in this case.

A secured website URL


Additionally, it is easy to identify which website uses an SSL certificate and which doesn’t. The former has an HTTPS URL, and the latter uses HTTP. As depicted in the image below, because of the encryption provided by SSL, HTTPS websites are considered more secure.


How Does SSL Work?

The process of encrypting information between the browser and the website is an encryption masterclass. However, we break it down into a simple explanation.

1. Whenever a visitor tries to access a website, the browser checks if it has an SSL certificate.

2. The verification process checks if the certificate is installed, valid, signed by a trusted CA, unrevoked, and prepared to secure.

3. Once verified, the SSL handshake begins. This handshake is essentially a cryptography method. Here the website and the web server exchange their public key. These keys allow both parties to encrypt the messages. Only the other party has the key to decrypt it as well.

4. When the user enters the information into the web server, the browser makes sure it is encrypted. Because of this encryption protocol, only the web server can decrypt it using a private key.

5. This is how a secure connection is established between a browser and the web server with the help of an SSL certificate or even TLS. Transport Layer Security (TLS) is considered the advanced SSL. However, SSL is more widely used.

Does SSL Improve SEO Rankings? If Yes, How?

Now that you know what an SSL certificate is and how it works let’s get to the main question. Does SSL provide an SEO boost, or does it even matter to SEO?

The short answer is that it matters.

In 2018, Google’s update made it clear that SSL certificates play a role in ranking signals. They did so by showing upfront which website is secure and which isn’t.

The search engine marks all HTTP websites as “unsecure” and marks HTTPS websites as “secure.”

In 2014, Google mentioned that SSL certificates could serve as tiebreakers if two websites have all other SEO ranking factors down to the wire. The statement means if you have a website with SSL and a competitor who doesn’t, you will get a higher rank if the rest of your SEO factors are the same.

However, how much does it matter to focus your search engine optimisation efforts? To understand that, let’s find out how an HTTPS website helps your business.

What are the Benefits of Making Your Website HTTPS from HTTP?

As you know now, adding an SSL certificate to your website essentially means migrating your website from HTTP to an HTTPS website. When the process of changing the Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is done the right way, you can experience several benefits.

Primarily because many warnings and limitations of an HTTP protocol are eliminated, which gives room to many possibilities.

Here are the benefits of using an SSL certificate and choosing the HTTPS protocol.

Google Will Not Throw Warnings and Flag Your Site

An HTTPS website is free from warnings from Google. This can change the way users perceive your website in multiple ways.

The image below shows how after the 2018 update, Google makes sure the sites that do not have SSL certificates are shown loud and clear with a “not secure” tag before the URL.

If you are a business dealing with customers and transactions, users will be put off by such markings.

Websites shown as secure and not secure


Therefore, when you shift to HTTPS, all these markings go away. Your website will no longer be flagged, and you can enhance the user experience for your visitors.

Users Can Trust Your Site

Naturally, people will be reluctant to engage when something is flashing as unsafe. If you are driving and see a warning sign about a school zone on the street, you will slow down and be more alert.

Google’s warning that says “your connection is not private” will yield similar results. When visitors come across this page before reaching your website, chances are they will not engage further. As shown in the image below, a warning like this is enough to drive users away.

Connection Not Private


Even if they do navigate to your website despite the warning, they will be cautious of what they will and will not share on your site.

It isn’t limited to sensitive information such as financial details. Personally Identifiable Information (PII) is any information associated with a user. Hackers can leverage any such information for a cyber attack or even identity theft.

Thus, if your website is not secure and has warnings supporting this claim, visitors might be reluctant to submit their email details for a subscription.

However, secure websites do not go through the trouble and automatically gain users’ trust.

You Can Support Mobile Technology Better

Globally, there are more mobile users than ever today. Search engines also pay close attention to how users interact with your website through mobile.

Google even has a mobile-first index for ranking signals. This means the mobile version of your site is considered for ranking over the desktop version. Your mobile site needs to have good navigation and high speed.

To help with speed, Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) was created by the efforts led by Google and Twitter. This framework helps load lightweight pages quickly on mobile sites. Thereby increasing the speed of a mobile site and enhancing the user experience.

However, AMP only supports HTTPS websites. Since website performance is crucial for ranking, you might miss out on this tool with an HTTP website.

As we advance, the mobile-first approach is going to become more common. Therefore, ensuring the best experience on mobile is a significant part of SEO and ranking. You can align the HTTPS websites in this direction.

You Can Prevent Cyberattacks

When the digital shift happened in 2020 with COVID-19, technology experts found a lot of innovative technology initiatives. At the same time, hackers also found inventive ways to launch cyber attacks. In such times, having a secure website is imperative.

However, an HTTP site is an easy cyberattack target. Here are some common cyberattacks that can happen with such sites:

1. Man-in-the-Middle Attack: A hacker tries to intrude into the communication between a client and the web server during this attack. If they get hold of the site, they can modify the communication and change it entirely. All the while taking the actual information for their benefit.

The image below is a representation of how such an instance can occur. The perpetrator forms a new connection, essentially as a middle man, and steals confidential, sensitive information from both parties.


man in the middle mitm attack


2. Phishing: Since an HTTP website is not secure, there is nothing that can differentiate you from another site that is trying to impersonate you. During phishing scams, hackers use a fake website close to the original and collect data from visitors. Hackers then use the sensitive information to carry out other cyber attacks. Data breach, identity theft, corporate espionage, and many more. In 2022, phishing attacks will be responsible for over 80% of cyber attacks.

However, your visitors will be familiar with security and user experience if your site is secure. Because of this, your site can be safer from phishing attempts.

A connection that is unsecure leaves room for possibilities of cyber attacks, whereas an HTTPS website will not pose such threats.

It Can Help Your Ranking Signal

HTTPS websites can indirectly play a significant role in search engine results. As explained above, visitors don’t see any warnings whenever visitors enter an HTTPS website.

But, when the same visitor navigates to an HTTP website, they might close the site almost immediately. Even if you have created quality content, users will never know because they were too wary of your website to stay long enough and interact.

When users quickly navigate away in this manner, your website’s bounce rate increases. Google also considers bounce rate as one of the factors for ranking.

Additionally, when users engage less on your site, Google recognises this as a sign that your web page is not the ideal choice for that particular keyword. So even if you were ranking on the first page, this could drastically bring down your ranking for the keyword.

Hence, having an HTTPS website ensures users stay on your page as long as your content serves them well.

That is why you can understand from the graph below that the percentage of HTTPS domains is highest for the first few positions. As the number decreases, so does the percentage.

Search rankings for HTTPS domains - depictiion of does SSL improve SEO


Why is it Necessary for e-Commerce Sites?

The direct correlation of HTTPS websites is to process sensitive data securely. However, not all websites collect this data. Without other benefits, only the websites that collect such information require HTTPS websites.

That is why e-Commerce sites must have SSL/TLS.

Without this trust in a secure website, visitors will not purchase on a site that is screaming “not secure.”

Additionally, e-Commerce sites that collect payment details need to comply with PCI compliance. The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is the set of PCI rules. It is mandatory for the websites handling certain credit cards that require such security measures.

The table below addresses the categories of compliance measures and what you need to do to fulfil them. Among the twelve requirements, the fourth one clearly states that you must protect cardholder data in transit. This is where SSL certificates are vital, as they encrypt the data shared by the users.

PCI DSS Compliance Requirements: Does SSL Improve SEO


PCI has several guidelines on how you must choose an SSL/TLS certificate. Once you have met all the criteria, your e-commerce site will be ready to provide you with a successful business.

What are the Challenges of Switching to HTTPS?

So far, you have learned how HTTPS websites are great for businesses and even play a role in SEO. Even SEO experts agree!

While this is true, you must also think about the work that goes into creating such HTTPS websites.

1. SSL Certificates can be expensive: Small business owners usually have a limited budget for their marketing efforts. Therefore, changing or migrating a site from HTTP to HTTPS is a severe undertaking and expensive to acquire.

2. It can negatively affect your ranking: If you have built your site’s rankings with a lot of effort, you don’t want to jeopardise that unless needed. When you don’t migrate to HTTPS by following every instruction well, you can lose the ranking of many relevant keywords.

Installing an SSL certificate is not enough. You have to take vital steps to make it successful. Ensure appropriate redirects, check compatibility with your CDN, change internal links, index pages carefully, update the sitemap, etc. You need to do this with utmost care.

If all of this is too overwhelming, you could hire SEO consultants to help in the process, but it is a time-consuming process to make sure it is done perfectly,

Even then, you might lose some ranking. Here is an example. 72pines shares their migration experience and how their rankings dipped, as depicted in the graph below.

However, even after the dip in ranking, you can thoroughly check areas you missed during the change and fix the issue. Once Google understands that issues are fixed, your ranking can return.

Ranking drop after SSL certificate


Final Verdict: Should You Get an SSL Certificate or Not?

Finally, we must answer our initial question – does SSL improve SEO? After this read, you know the answer is yes. Directly and indirectly, SSL certificates do play a role in sending the right ranking signals.

However, should you make the shift to SSL? This is a multi-faceted answer.

Starting off your website today, you can consider using a free or economically viable SSL certificate option. But if you are a website that does not collect any personal detail from your visitor and has limited resources to make this change, should you still jump leaps and bounds to make this happen? Maybe not immediately.

For now, you can focus your efforts on SEO factors that have a lot of importance, such as backlinks, creating quality content, making on-page and technical optimisations, and more.

However, you should revisit the strategy of shifting to HTTPS whenever you can.

That is because Google and other search engines consistently update their ranking factors and algorithms. Making sure visitors have a good experience on the website is crucial. Providing a security certificate is part of that experience.

Therefore, you should invest your time and effort in shifting to an HTTPS website whenever possible. So in the future, if the search engines do give such factors more importance, you will be prepared to rank well in the future.

How to Improve SEO with Social Media? | The Only Trend You Need to Leverage

how to improve seo with social media

Search engine optimization isn’t just about keywords and fluid website designs. Unless it pulls in more web traffic and conversions, there’s no point in having an online presence.

That is where digital marketing comes in. Needless to say, most businesses are well aware of this concept. However, social media marketing is an often underutilized SEO strategy for solid search rankings.

If nudged the right way, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook users all across can peddle you to the top of Google search results. For this, you need to figure out how to improve SEO with social media presence of your website and use these social platforms to your advantage.

Before we let you in on some simple tips on social media marketing, let’s refresh some basics.

What is Social Media SEO?

Social media is everywhere, and businesses have understood the wide reach of social channels. Leveraging social media platforms for improved search traffic is the crux of social media SEO.

Granted that learning how to improve SEO with social media won’t fetch you overnight results. But your SEO efforts mixed with social media marketing strategy are immensely fruitful in brand building.

Now don’t get the both mixed up – social media and search engine optimization are two separate pathways.

It’s indeed true that social media marketing doesn’t technically affect search rankings.

The social media posts and links may get you some limelight online. However, search engine algorithms don’t consider such social media efforts as a ranking factor.

But the differences don’t run deep when it comes to targeted digital marketing efforts.

Here’s the thing – although Google and other search engines don’t include social media directly for ranking the SERPs, it can give you a significant push.

There’s some indirect relationship between a website’s search ranking and its social signals.

That brings us to our next question.

How Does Social Media Affect Google Rankings?

Even though social media isn’t a ranking factor, Google crawls and indexes such pages. It treats your social profile as any other HTML page: nothing special about it.

But do you think strong social media signals bump up your search engine results? If your social media post has jaw-dropping views and likes, will Google see it in a different light?

Sadly, it won’t.

Search engines don’t pay special attention to social signals while ranking a web page. If they did, it wouldn’t take a mighty force to trick the algorithm and influence page positions.

Another reason is the frequency of social media shares. They are round the clock, and search engines (yes, even the omnipotent Google) may take a while to catch up to crawl and track such events.

But the only thing that matters here is that we know most businesses prefer embedding social media marketing in their overall SEO strategy.

And it seems to work, albeit indirectly, to influence their presence across search engines.

Social media and SEO: how to improve seo with social media


If there’s little conclusive evidence that social media impacts SEO, why bother chalking out a social media optimization strategy? Let’s find out.

Why Amp Up Your Social Media Strategy?

It’s safe to say that social media plays a huge role in brand perception and engagement today. But how do social media pages bring in organic traffic? Well, there are quite a few of them.

1. Help Google Index Your Social Media for Search Rankings

After all’s said and done, Google will naturally rank pages that perform well in a relevant keyword category.

If your social media accounts are regularly churning out high-quality content to the target audience, it can make a huge difference to your content marketing campaign.

Such social media marketing efforts are a search engine favorite for indexing.

Google Analytics also makes it easier to track and observe social media intelligence. You can set up a social media performance reporting goal and review the stats.

Google Analytics Reports for Social Media


As we cover both the yin and yang of it, social media posts don’t guarantee Google to crown you the highest SERP. The content needs to resonate with search queries.

To elaborate, users are more likely to find social media sites and pages of specific celebrities and brands by feeding in their names.

Also, suppose your blog posts are doing well on social platforms and receiving website hits. In that case, the blog will eventually show up for relevant queries as the crawlers identify its social factor.

2. Brownie Points on Brand Authority for More Traffic

SEO social media marketing lets you score high in terms of Google’s E.A.T. concept – it stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness and is important to gauge how to improve SEO with social media channels.

Google considers and evaluates the trio for all websites to rank them accordingly. Your expertise in the said area shows in the kind and quality of content produced. Users and Google trust your website only when it is legit and transparent with content and related details.

Google E-A-T


The third concept is authority, and like its counterpart trustworthiness, it’s relative to context. Authority is about the weight of your brand in the market. If your website is among the go-to sources for a topic, you’ve carved an authority in the area.

For search engines, a website with high domain value has the potential to feature higher up in search results.

3. Increases Your Chances of Link Building

Link building from social media should be a part of your content strategy. Influencer marketing can help you earn quality backlinks from authoritative websites.

Influencers are highly active on such platforms, and you can’t ignore social media for this goldmine of possibilities. Some link building strategies you can use for links are:

  • connecting with fellow bloggers and brands
  • leverage the following of influencers/celebrities
  • identify niche hashtags like #cleanbeauty or #discoverunder10k to get more views

4. Scales Up Content Marketing and Brand Promotion

Social sites can help increase your SEO rankings via multi-channel content marketing and promotion.

Platforms like Instagram help generate and maintain a flow of content for their target audience. Naturally, users see more of the brand and may wish to buy their products after repeated posts.

Not limited to a single site, social media allows promoting the same content across multiple platforms. Social media shares might not have the same benefit as actual links from high-quality sources. Nevertheless, they can impact your bounce rate and the time users spend on the website.

5. Keeps Up the Online Visibility with Higher Engagement

Nothing spells engagement like social media. As said before, you’re not gaining a lot if someone shares your post on social media sites. But the good news is that engagement is a ranking factor.

You can start by designing a marketing strategy and promoting valuable content among influencers and the common public to gain a good rep. If you get into the memory of users, branded searches and website clicks automatically rise.

6. Real People are Your Brand Ambassadors

Social media platforms stand tall on the intensity of user engagement. Brands have been connecting with consumers online via Instagram and other social platforms to garner more attention and, eventually, sales.

Their social media followers drive brand recognition, and that’s a good start for new brands out there. But it’s not brands that want the attention – it’s about 78% of consumers who want businesses to leverage social media channels.

If your target audience wants to see your social media accounts, you make one. If they want a platform to share and critique your offerings, you give them one.

We want you to reflect on the concept of search engine authority – real people are key to forging authentic connections. For instance, your social accounts must respond to customer feedback, extend solutions and radiate a wholesome feeling that you care. Studies say 57% of customers will spend more on your brand if done correctly.

You not only get customer loyalty but free and buzzing advertisement through social media profiles.

7. Social Media Platforms are Search Engines in Their Own Right

Gone are the days when users only searched for queries on search engines. The likes of Instagram and Pinterest are alternate platforms. People search for products and informational topics like money management, health, and nutrition – you name it.

Brands focusing on beautiful visual content can build a following and increase discovery on such platforms via hashtags, shares, and paid promotions.

6 Ways on How to Improve SEO with Social Media Marketing

Now that the reasoning for SEO social media marketing is out of the way, let’s dive into the tips on integrating social media into your content marketing strategy.

1. Optimize Those Social Profiles

No surprises on this one.

If you don’t already have social media profiles like Twitter or Instagram, we insist you create one and revisit to read further to optimize it.

It’s not rare to see several profiles show up when searching a brand on Twitter or Facebook.

Despite clear branding, it’s not always clear which one is the real/main profile. You must make it easy for visitors to recognize official pages or other sister profiles.

Brand profile - Nike

Instagram, on its business profiles, asks you to fill in the name and products or services category. You also get a space to briefly describe your brand and its USPs, along with a linking option to your website and other IG accounts.

The step isn’t limited to text alone. Images are primal to social media, and their optimization is equally rewarding. Ensure all images on the account are of high resolution. We recommend using stock photos only if nothing else is available – trust us, you’re better off with original pictures.

2. Find Relevant Keywords

Keywords are the holy grail of search results. Get them right, and your rankings are bound to soar with great content.

That is yet another vital strategy on how to improve SEO with social media. As social media sites are turning search-oriented more than ever, you must identify keywords close to your niche.

Keyword research gives a brief idea of popular keyword searches. Including these keywords, of relevance to your domain, in the profile is often considered wise.

travel search results Instagram handle


That apart, this exercise also lets you gather topics and popular ideas for creating for the social media platform.

However, remember keyword stuffing? The one where you add the selected words and phrases as many times you can. It not only hurts your SEO ranking prospects, but the brand authority also takes a hit.

Keywords are not the same as hashtags, but the latter functions on similar lines for social media SEO. All your social account posts must have relevant hashtags to set the ball rolling toward targeted users.

Again, remember to use them reasonably to not come off as spam.

Do's and Don'ts to Optimize Instagram Hashtags

Image Source

3. Quality is King – Create Content Worth Engaging

All your SEO efforts on optimizing social media are in vain if the content you offer is substandard.

Quality content is the only way to the top, and shortcuts don’t take you far. Therefore, you should focus on creating thoroughly researched and helpful content that enables social sharing.

There’s a common misconception about the need to publish on the chosen social platform with lightning frequency. That’s not always true. Your social profiles can have a steady and consistent rate of content posts with a heavy emphasis on quality and visual appeal.

Content Marketing, Social Media & SEO Infographic


Are you having trouble with what to create? Begin by assessing what your prospects are searching for. Once you know what your ideal reader wants, it’s easier to serve helpful content.

As a brand, you have quite an advantage of playing with user-generated content. Repurposed content is your ticket to stirring a buzz, and use it to your best advantage.

Did someone tweet about your heritage hotel as a great option in the area? Retweet it to celebrate and acknowledge the customer. An IG user posted a story on how good your restaurant is? Tag and repost to let a wider audience know.

User-Generated Content on Instagram


4. Spend Time on Link Building Back to Your Website

Creating inbound links and earning external links is a classic SEO technique. But backlinking is also the most difficult to achieve.

As this is a passive process, the onus of success is on the users rather than the websites. We cannot stress enough on the content here. If a post directed to your blog leaves an impression on users, they may save it as a reference for later and/or link it to their profile posts.

If you’re looking to refurbish older content or looking for new ones, this technique may come in handy.

The Skyscraper Technique

The skyscraper method is a content creation strategy for your posts to become link-earners. The concept is designed to ensure your pieces outperform and overtake the competition.

You give the blog posts a facelift to create more value for the reader and extra keywords that rank higher on search engines.

By doing so, the content will be able to feature a variety of keywords. And since there’s increased value, you’ll earn quality backlinks.

How to go about skyscraping your blogs? Follow these three key steps:

1. Surf online to locate already well-performing blog posts with high-quality content and more backlinks.

2. Create a blog post on similar lines, and put in extra effort to make it better than the inspiration. For this, work on making it thorough, updated, and add in relevant resources)

3. Identify marketers who’d linked on the original web page and request them for a link-back.

Marketers are more likely to link to your better and improved content as they initially found the original blog worthy of linking.

5. Share, Share, Share!

Do you recall how most influencers on YouTube prompt viewers to “Like, Share, and Subscribe” to their channels?

This CTA isn’t a formality – social media pages grow on the merit of shareable content.

All the above tips on how to improve SEO with social media are steps to creating content with the potential to reach the masses.

How do you ensure the post is shared through the roof?

For starters, your post needs to fulfill a need: It should either

  • Solve a problem of the target audience
  • Inform users on topics of your area/industry
  • Amuse and make users laugh
  • Be of emotional appeal

Remember to include trending concepts and hashtags for instant reach.

Your user research on demographic and ideal-customer profiling on age, location, gender, interests, etc., will help narrow down the type of content.

How to Create a Social Media Marketing Strategy (Free Template)


There is a vast network of influencers willing to partner with brands for content creation and reach. Partnering with multiple such accounts (paid or unpaid collaboration) gives you the benefit of using their followers for visibility.

You can also consider hosting contests and giveaways of your products to attract more eyes to the brand account.

6. Keep an Eye on Competitors

There’s no dearth of competitive brands on social media platforms. To stay ahead in the game, you can adopt a few competitor-focussed strategies to understand what works in their favor.

Begin by running a competitive analysis to arrive at insights like performance benchmarks, best times to post, setting your brand apart from the rest, and more. Through this, you’ll identify the ongoing trend in the industry along with any gaps you could fill.

You can use social listening to run a deep analysis of competitor brands. Run a Google search on them, map all account handles and activities, and figure out their content plus engagement strategy.

This way, you can follow popular practices and aim to outperform some weak plans with improved actions.

Parting Thoughts

Social media today is not just limited to scenic pictures and funny posts.

If you’re a business, it’s a perfect space to gather a like-minded community, create your brand’s voice, and present top-notch content that adds value — while leveraging it to influence your organic search strategies.

Apart from the above tips on how to improve SEO with social media, there are other pressure points to be mindful of while designing a strategy.

One of them is to maintain consistency in your content theme. Your posts’ design and tone should entice your ideal customer, no matter what platform they discover you on.

It’s also crucial to maintain your site’s design. Higher load times and inefficient websites discourage social visitors from staying, which is a lousy ranking indicator.

With all these tips on how to improve SEO with social media, it’s time to get on those trending platforms, create awesome content and discover a wider pool of customers.

Happy optimising!